Write For Us

At TotallyDuh, We always welcome new experts with high credentials and voices in our community.

Guidelines to write for Us

Before reaching out to us, we want to ensure that we don’t take any type of fake or spam-like content. If your content isn’t original and has not been researched, we won’t accept it. So the most important rule to follow for your piece to get published easily is ensuring you write informative content. We don’t publish rubbish.

Check out the following points for more in-depth guidelines;

  • Write according to the rules of content writing, and use proper formatting and headings.
  • We don’t consider the content published on any other site or page. This includes your own site or page.
  • The minimum word count should be 1000 words.
  • Source all health claims. If you reference the results of a study or statistic in your article, you should include the source’s URL. (You can include relevant links in brackets next to the claim/statement.)
  • We do not condone the use of provocative and defamatory words and subjects.
  • If you’re using any image in your content, make sure it is from a free source, or the credit to the image should be included with the image.
  • We have the right to modify your content without informing you in advance.

How can Guest posting benefit You?

  • You’ll receive a backlink to your blog/website.
  • Be featured and promote your small-scale businesses and markets on our site.
  • Get traffic to your blog, website, or Google page/profile.


Do you want to be featured on Totallyduh.com in a guest post or blog? Contact us today to find out more details on how you can write for us.


Feel free to contact us at totallyduh1@gmail.com or fill out the form below