What Causes Armpit Fat? And 7 Effective Workouts To Get Rid Of Armpit Fat

A lady with armpit fat sitting

Anywhere you go, you will see some people with extra folds of skin and tissue underneath their arms, which is called armpit fat. There are many causes of armpit fat, but regardless, armpit fat is very normal. So thinking that armpit fat occurs only in overweight people is the wrong school of thought. 

Anyone of any weight and size can have a bit of extra fat under their arms. Sometimes, tight clothes tend to push up skin from the chest area, making it appear like actual underarm fat.

What is Armpit Fat?

Axillary fat, also known as armpit fat, bra bulge, or bra fat, is accumulated fat that forms separately from the rest of the breast. Like love handles, these little pooches or rather pockets of armpit fat are difficult to remove despite severe underarm fat workouts and a strict diet. 

What Causes Armpit Fat?

Causes of armpit fat vary, and here are a few common causes;

  1. Genetics: Genetics largely determines fat distribution in the body. In a study by Mathias Rask-AndersenTorgny KarlssonWeronica E. Ek & Åsa Johansson, it was found that females are more likely to accumulate and distribute fat because of genetics than males. So if your family has a history of armpit fat, you are likely to have it too.
  2. Hormones: Hormonal changes increase the appearance of excess fat or skin between the breast and armpit.
  3. Overweight: Overweight women tend to have subcutaneous fat deposits in their armpits and larger breast and armpit areas.
  4. Axillary/Accessory breast tissue: This is caused when breast tissue develops outside the normal breast area. It occurs in the axilla or armpit and masks as armpit fat. This condition is not common. According to Medha .A. Bhave, this congenital condition occurs in 2 to 6 percent of women and 1 to 3 percent of men.
  5. Swollen Lymph Nodes (Lymphedema): Lymphedema occurs when the glands in the underarms get swollen. 
  6. Posture: A bad posture makes armpit fat more visible. Standing up straight will help make extra armpit skin less obvious.
  7. Clothing: Tight bras or tank tops can cause the skin between the breast and armpits to protrude. Likewise, bras with very small cups cause the breast tissue to “escape” to the armpit area.

7 Effective Workouts To Get Rid of Armpit Fat

Armpit fat exercises are more than lifting weight overhead. Eliminating armpit fat is challenging but doable. There is a general misconception that reducing fat in one area of the body at a time is possible. This concept of spot-reduction has been found ineffective in many studies. Below are how to get rid of armpit fat.

  1. Push Ups: This target the muscles around the armpits, upper arms, shoulders, and chest. To do this, start on the floor and lower down with your arms. Keep your legs extended, lift and repeat.
  2. Triceps/Bench Dips: This builds up your tricep muscles and reduces excess underarm fat. Find a chair or bench and lower your arms to your sides. Grip the chair with your hands and straighten your legs. Then move your buttocks off the chair, lower yourself by bending your arms, pull back up, and repeat. 
  3. Bicep Curl: You can perform this exercise by sitting or standing with free weights or bicep curl machines at the gym. You just have to extend the free weights towards the ground, bring them back to your shoulders, align your elbows and wrist, and repeat.
  4. Chest Press: This exercise impacts the muscles around the arm, chest, and shoulders. All you need is a bench and some fitting weights to perform this exercise. Just lie on a bench with your back, hold the free weights, and lower them to the rest of your body. Then raise them again, bring them back down, and repeat.
  5. Triceps Press: The triceps are muscles in the upper arms, and there are a few ways to tone these muscles. One of them being the triceps press. You only need a hand weight in each hand for this exercise. You need to sit on a chair and lift your hands overhead, bring the weights down, up again, and repeat.
  6. Cat-Cow: This yoga position requires you to lengthen your body, and it targets your chest and back. In this exercise, you will go on all fours and do a lot of stretching with your spine and stomach as you switch between the cat and cow position.  
  7. Seated Row: You will need a cable pulley machine for this exercise. This exercise works your back and arms and is crucial for armpit fat removal. You have to grab the pulley as you sit at the cable machine, pull it to your body until your hands get to your chest, and repeat.


Armpit fat is common in adults, and being overweight is the leading cause, but hormones and genetics are also involved. In some cases, armpit fat is a condition of axillary breasts. Consult with a doctor if you have this condition. A healthy diet and regular underarm workouts will reduce armpit fat.