Unlock Your Glute Potential: The Ultimate Guide to Upper Glute Workouts

sporty woman training her glutes
Image by master1305 on Freepik

Sooner or later, we all get to the point of looking in the mirror and sizing our glutes, eventually wanting to do something about it. The quest for a bigger and rounder glute slowly becomes an obsession. So when you eventually get caught up in this vanity, know there’s nothing to be ashamed of, and it’s perfectly fine to want a well-sculpted glute.

Glute workouts are not uncommon, and they have more benefits beyond aesthetics. Depending on your preference, they can be done at home or the gym. Instead of sitting on your glutes all day, you could use them to your advantage by exercising them to unlock their fullest potential. 

If you’re ready to take your glute gains to a whole other level, want to know how to get a shelf on the upper glutes, or sculpt and strengthen your upper glutes, then you’re at the right place. Welcome to the ultimate guide that will help you unlock the hidden potential of your glutes and achieve a lifted, toned, and powerful posterior. 

This article outlines upper glute workouts, shares valuable insights, and discusses practical exercises to target the upper glute area. Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, someone who wants to enhance your physique, or in it for pure aesthetics, this guide will arm you with the knowledge and tools you need to achieve the perfect shelf butt. 

As we explore the science, techniques, and strategies for practical upper glute exercises, get ready to transform your butt and attain a new confidence level. 

Let’s get started!

Glutes! What Are They?

The glutes or gluteal muscles are a group of superficial muscles around the buttocks, hips, thighs, and pelvis area. The major muscle groups include the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. 

Glutes diagram

In simple terms, your glute is your butt, and it is one of the strongest muscles in the body and also the largest. The glutes refer to the buttocks region and are located in the posterior area of the pelvis, a.k.a pelvic spine. 

The glutes are essential for movement like sitting, lifting heavy stuff, climbing the stairs, extending and rotating your legs, and pelvis stability while standing. A 2023 study defines the gluteal region as an essential part of anatomy critical for dynamic movement and upright stability. 

The glutes consist of multiple muscles. Building these muscles will improve speed and protect your knees and back from sustaining injury. 

Anatomical Structure Of The Upper Glutes

The Glutes Diagram

The muscle in the upper glute area is the gluteus medius, located beneath the gluteus maximus and above the glute minimus. It is one of the three major muscles of the buttocks. The muscle (gluteus medius) begins on the back portion of the hipbone (ilium) between two bony lines. Then it goes downwards, slightly towards the front side of the hip, and attaches to the side of a bony protrusion called the greater trochanter. The greater trochanter is found on the upper portion of the thigh bone (femur)

In simpler terms, the gluteus medius starts on the back of the hip bone, goes down a bit towards the front of the hip, and then attaches to the bony bump on the side of the femur (thigh bone). 

The gluteus medius is the muscle that gives your butt the shelf look when fully developed. 

The primary function of the gluteus medius is to stabilize the pelvis and trunk during the gait cycle and other activities like running, sitting, and walking. The gluteus medius is the primary hip abductor, producing the force required for lifting your legs laterally (to the side). Another function of the gluteus medius is medial or internal hip rotation. This means that it rotates the thigh at the hip joint internally. 

Benefits Of Upper Glute Workouts: Why You Need Stronger Glutes

Most people incorporate glute exercises into their workout routine to attain a round and perky bum that looks hot in a legging or shorts. This is why many gluteus medius workouts like squats and lunges are now a part of exercises. However, glute workouts’ benefits go way beyond appealing butt cheeks. The benefits of a gluteus medius workout include;

  • Improved athletic performance by building strength and power in the hips. You’ll have more speed and agility.
  • Keeps the body aligned
  • Balance
  • Prevents injuries to the knee and lower back.
  • Strong glutes prevent low back pain and knee pain
  • Body recomposition

Exercises for the upper glute must be included during workouts to keep the upper glute healthy and strong. Besides, an upper butt workout is a good way of showing love to the muscle that keeps you balanced while you walk, run, or sit. 

Having strong upper glutes is crucial for overall health and performance. This is because the gluteus medius is vital in stabilizing the pelvis and supporting the body during locomotive activities. It aligns your hip, so a weak glute can cause your hip to be poorly aligned, making it difficult to accomplish simple tasks. 

Tips On Increasing The Upper Glutes

  • More Calories

To develop the upper glutes and achieve a shelf booty, you must consume enough calories to gain a healthy weight. Consuming enough calories is important because when you don’t consume calories, you won’t have enough energy to generate new muscle tissue. 

  • Eat Your Proteins

Asides calories, proteins are necessary for this journey. Protein is an essential macronutrient that builds and maintains lean muscle tissue. This is because protein has thermogenic (fat-burning) components, causing the body to burn plenty of calories digesting it. Protein also provides amino acids needed to build muscle and repair damage. So if you don’t consume enough protein, growing new muscle tissue or mass will be difficult.

  • Upper Glute Exercises

The upper glutes are constantly active and need adequate exercise to grow and strengthen them. Fortunately, you can choose from various glute isolation exercises, including dumbbell glute exercises, to effectively engage this area and achieve optimal results. You can then use machines, barbells, resistance bands, or your body weight as resistance. 

Target the right muscles to achieve the best results from the upper butt exercises. Use comfortable weights, perform repetitions with smooth movements, move through the full range of motion, and ensure you feel the upper glutes region working to maximize progress and development.

  • Gradual Progressions

The upper glutes are susceptible and will respond to the slightest tension. However, you must challenge the glutes with gradual progressions to grow and strengthen the area. Increase the intensity of your workouts gradually but don’t go over the top.  

The upper glutes are small; therefore, exercises to isolate glutes with much weight should be avoided.

Upper Glute Workouts That Work

Basic activities like walking and running train your upper glutes. The gluteus medius is a hip abductor which rotates your leg laterally from the middle. So any workout that involves abducting your hips or moving your legs to the side will naturally train the upper glutes. 

However, upper glute workouts are not limited to lateral exercises. They may also involve glute stretches and a combination of glute exercises with weights, such as glute dumbbell exercises, deadlift variations, or kettlebell swings. This article outlines the best exercises for upper glutes that can be done with or without any equipment. The exercises include:

  • The Clam Shell

It is exactly as it sounds. Here your legs take the clam shell’s actual position, then open and close. How to do this?

  1. Get a mat (optional), lie on your right side, and bend your knee. Then lean your head on your right arm to give the neck support.
  2. Place both heels together and ensure they touch each other throughout. Keep your left hand on your pelvis. 
  3. Allow your back to arch as you lift your left knee away from the right knee and lower it back again.
  4. Now flip to the other side and repeat the motions. 2 sets of 25 reps.

This is one of the best side glute exercises to work out the gluteus minimus. You could even use a mini band to create resistance over your thighs and make things more fun.

  • Lateral Lunge

You will need some space for this exercise, and there’s no need for any special equipment for a beginner. You may add weights later on as you build strength. 

  1. Take a standing position with your legs hip-width or shoulder-width apart. Now keep your hands in front.
  2. Keep your back straight and engage your core/abs.
  3. Step to the side with your right foot, plant it firmly on the ground and bend your knee over the toes.
  4. Push your hips back like you’re trying to sit on your side, and keep your left leg straight. Both toes must be flat on the ground and face the same direction.
  5. Lower your body until your right thigh is almost parallel to the ground, or as far as you can comfortably go, and then hold.
  6. Push your right foot to release and return to the center position.
  7. Repeat on the opposite side, stepping and lunging with the left leg.
  8. Do 12 to 15 reps.

Start with a comfortable range; as you become more comfortable with the exercise, you can gradually increase the intensity.

  • Banded Lateral Walks

The band walk is an excellent upper booty workout. This exercise strengthens the upper butt muscles and helps stabilize the pelvis, hips, and knees.

  1. Place a resistance band with a medium challenging tension over your thighs just at knee level.
  2. Stand comfortably with your feet shoulder-width or hip-width apart. 
  3. Now bend your knees to squat like you’re about to sit on a chair. Your toes must point forward.
  4. Engage your core, keep your back straight, chest up, and hold both hands before your chest like you’re about to pray.
  5. Take a step to the right with your right foot.
  6. Take a step to the right with your left foot.
  7. Keep walking laterally, switch to the other direction, and repeat the exact number of reps.
  8. In each direction, do 3 sets of 15 reps. 
  • Curtsy Squat or Lunge

This originates from the traditional curtsy greeting, where a person bows the head and bends the knee behind. It targets the thighs, flexes the hip, and stabilizes the kneecap. 

  1. Stand upright with your legs straight and arms by your sides. 
  2. Keep your shoulders back and engage your core.
  3. Descend your right foot in a semi-circle behind the front leg. Your front leg should face forward.
  4. Bend your knee until the front thigh is parallel to the ground and your knees are at an angle of 90 degrees.
  5. Hold your hands in front of your chest to balance yourself. 
  6. Hold your position, then press back up.
  7. Release and return to your original position.
  8. Repeat 3 sets of 15 reps as you alternate.
  • Sumo Squat

This can be performed without any added weight. You can use a kettlebell or a dumbbell for extra resistance.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and clasp your hand in front of your chest.
  2. Step to the side with your right foot until your stance is wider than hip-width or 3 to 4 feet wide. If you can do this workout correctly, then you can go wider.
  3. Point your points away from the center or middle of your body by rotating the hip laterally. This will slightly turn out your toes.
  4. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower into a squat. Keep your back straight, eyes forward, and core engaged.
  5. Your knees should angle diagonally in the same direction as your toes when you lower into a squat.
  6. Lower your thighs until they are parallel to the ground. If you cannot drop low, then you shorten the squat.
  7. When you drop into the squat position, pause for a moment. Then return to starting position by pressing up to stand, engaging your glutes.
  8. Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps or 12-15 reps.
  • Sumo Deadlift

  1. Stand in front of a loaded barbell. Your stands should be wider than your shoulders, and your toes should turn out slightly. 
  2. Bend your knees and push out in line with your toes. 
  3. Keep your torso upright.
  4. Keep your shins an inch or two from the barbell.
  5. Push your hips back and grip the barbell with both hands. Hands should be a few inches apart. 
  6. Pull the barbell up in a straight line and stand up slowly. This will activate the upper glutes.
  7. Pause in this position for a few seconds, then lower the barbell back down in a straight line.
  8. Repeat 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Romanian Dumbbell Deadlift

  1. Get a pair of dumbbells and hold them down on either side or forward with your palms turned backward.
  2. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  3. Push back your shoulders and keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointed out.
  4. Keep an upright spine as you bend your hips.
  5. Now push your butt backward as you lean forward.
  6. Lower the dumbbells straight down to your sides or in front of your legs until it reaches the shin (lower legs) or below it.
  7. Have your knees slightly bent from the beginning to the end.
  8. Drive your hips forward to return to your starting position. 
  9. Exhale, inhale, and repeat.
  • Rear Foot Elevated/ Bulgarian Split Squats

  1. Stand before a gym bench, chair, or elevated platform and turn your back against it.
  2. Balance yourself on one foot as you place the other on the bench or chair.
  3. Hands on your hips, shoulders back, and engage your core.
  4. Lower into a squat by bending your front knee over your toes.
  5. Squat as low as you can. As a general rule of thumb, your back knee should be an inch or two above the ground.
  6. Slowly stand up by pressing through the front heel.
  7. Inhale, switch legs, and repeat.
  • Single-Legged Glute Bridge

A mat is ideal for this upper glutes workout, but not compulsory. The floor can suffice.

  1. Lie on the floor or mat.
  2. Bend both knees and keep your feet flat on the ground or mat.
  3. Keep both hands by your sides and have your palms lie flat on the floor for balance.
  4. Engage your core, inhale, and extend one leg straight in the air.
  5. Lift your hips by pushing through your heel and squeezing your glute. 
  6. Hold for a few seconds.
  7. Lower your hips to the floor.
  8. Switch legs and repeat. 
  • Hip Thrust

  1. Get a flat gym bench, chair, or elevated object, and keep the upper part of your back on it.
  2. Bend both knees, keep feet flat, and plant on the ground.
  3. Inhale and engage your core.
  4. Lift your heels towards the ceiling by squeezing your glutes and pushing through your heels.
  5. Keep pushing until your hips align with your shoulders and knees. 
  6. Hold your position for a moment.
  7. Drop back to the floor and return to starting position.
  8. Repeat.

Ignite Your Glute Potential: Forge The Perfect Upper Booty And Blaze Your Trail To Confidence

Embracing this ultimate guide will give you the key to unlocking the true potential of your upper glutes and creating that beautiful upper booty. You can develop and sculpt a well-defined and lifted posterior with strategic and targeted exercises for the top of your glutes. 

Prepare to experience your upper glute transformation as you embark on building your upper glutes with practical exercises. Engaging in exercise for the upper buttocks will activate and strengthen the glute muscles, enhancing their shape and firmness. 

With dedicated workouts, you can most certainly achieve the desired “booty shelf” effect and develop a well-rounded upper booty that turns heads. So, lace your sneakers, follow the techniques outlined in this guide, and prepare to embark on a growth, empowerment, and confidence journey. Embrace the challenge and let the power of exercise for your upper buttocks propel you toward your goals. 

Your glute journey is unique to you. You must regulate your workout based on progress and comfort. Listen to your body when it responds, acknowledge its limits, and celebrate the small victories. Your body will thank you for it. Remember, consistency is key. 

Now is the time to take action and transform your upper glutes through these upper booty exercises. Embrace the burn, be committed, and let your determination shine through. Your goal of a perfect upper butt is within reach, so go ahead and get it.